Lana, 45 años, Rusia, Nizhniy Novgorod
Verificación de teléfono
Información principal
Nombre: Lana
Edad: 45
Ubicación: Rusia, Nizhniy Novgorod
Signo del Zodiaco: Piscis
Peso: 52Kgs
Altura: 163cm
Color de ojos: Café
Tipo de cuerpo: Delgado
Frecuencia con que fuma: Nunca
Frecuencia con la que bebe: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Con información:
Verificación de teléfono
¿Tiene hijos?:
16 años Chico, vive en casa
Estado civil: Divorciado/a
¿ Estás dispuesto a mudarte?:
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme a otro país
Tus prioridades en la vida:
Familia, relación a largo plazo
Equilibrio mental
Estudios: Licenciatura
Sector laboral: Maestro/profesor
Edad: 44 - 57
¿ Es correcto que ellos tengan niños?: Si
Fuma: Nunca
Grupo étnico: Caucásico

Responda algunas preguntas

¿Cómo te describes?
I am only here for a serious relationship. And I don't have time to chat and play “mind games” and have "hot" conversations. If there is real interest, then you and I will soon meet in your or my country). Here and now I am a person with personal freedom and freedom of choice, and I want to exchange this freedom for something, in my opinion, more valuable. I am arrogant enough and to a certain extent naive enough to hope for a happy meeting in the vastness of virtual reality, perhaps also because I do not have the time and opportunity for more "humane" ways of dating.
¿Cómo describirías a tu pareja ideal?
Do you believe in love? I believe. It is for this reason that such an "adult" girl like me is still "in search" and looks around, hoping to find the only representative of the strong half of humanity, with whom a new and happy chapter of life will begin for her. In fact, this entire text array is intended for a single person who will read and appreciate the essence of what has been said and understand that he has been looking for me all his life. Everyone else will become my grateful readers, and I sincerely appreciate your attentionattention.
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