comentarios de los hombres
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    Milos, 39 años
    Serbia, Belgrado

    yes i met
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    Bruce, 67 años
    Nueva Zelanda, Nelson

    I have found someone and don’t need this site any more
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    Alberto, 38 años
    España, Barcelona

    Nice platform but I found a special person
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    Albert, 55 años
    España, Reus

    Estoy realmente satisfecho, en todo gracias
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    Sascha, 39 años
    Suiza, Berna

    Ja ich habe eine tolle Frau gefunden  
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    Marco, 50 años
    Reino Unido, Londres

    The Web is really great...thanks a lot.. I find my soul mate...
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    Nikolay, 37 años
    Rusia, Rostov del Don

    Все хорошо.
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    Jorge Luis, 50 años
    México, Cabo San Lucas

    Felicidades a todos los involucrados en este sitio web, muy buena pagina, buen servicio, dificilmente te encuentras con perfiles falsos.

    Todo muy bien
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    Gianfranco, 63 años
    Italia, Vicenza

    I found her
  • Casado

    Wolfgang, 55 años
    Alemania, Griesheim

    Ich habe auf ihrer Seite meine Wunschpartnerin gefunden und am 16.08.´23 geheiratet. Ich werde ihre Webseite gerne weiterempfehlen.
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    Andrey, 29 años
    Kirguistán, Biskek

    Все хорошо, просто познакомился в реальной жизни
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    Giuseppe, 58 años
    Italia, Roma

    ho trovato la donna che cercavo. Grazie
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    Udo, 59 años
    Suiza, Walzenhausen

    ja gefunden
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    Joe, 40 años
    Francia, París

    Très bien.
    Je fais une pause pour le moment.
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    Xavier, 47 años
    Canadá, Montreal

    Me ha gustado
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    Timucin, 52 años
    Turquía, Antalya

    Yes I found someone
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    Joseph Fisher, 66 años
    Estados Unidos, Tampa

    I have been searching for more than 7 years, since my divorce.
    I registered on several different sites in the past.
    I just found this site about 1 month ago.
    But, on this site, I finally found the lady that I have been searching for.
    I am an older gentleman, and I know what I need from a relationship, and I know what I have to give in return.
    If I could have designed and built the perfect lady for myself, I could not have done a more perfect job, than with the lady that I met on this site.
    I am already so deeply in love with her, that I have no desire to ever look further.
    I will wish the best of luck to everyone who searches for a real love.
    I will wish everyone who searches, true happiness.
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    Khalil, 49 años
    Bahréin, Manama

    I have found a suitable life partner
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    Mauricio, 50 años
    Alemania, Bonn

    I have found a beautiful lady in this page. We are getting to know each other beter and better.
    Great Page, gread woman.
    Thank you
    M. Santamaria
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    Blaine, 59 años
    Estados Unidos, Mineápolis

    I'm so impressed with this site. It seems too good to be true. Everyone appears to be genuine and very polite. It is a best kept secret and I wish I knew about it earlier. Thank you!
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